The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68053   Message #1141887
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
20-Mar-04 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: Songs about press barons/media magnates
Subject: RE: Songs about press barons/media magnates
Here's a ballade I once wrote with Robert Maxwell in mind, after he got found out and drowned himself (allegedly - I've always had a suspicion he faked it, and vamoosed to some shady Central Asian post-Soviet republic):

One time I saw you as you passed
(I doubt somehow that you recall -
Your progress was so very fast,
And it was crowded in the hall).
I wore a tattered overall,
Your suit was elegant and grey,
And all your troubles were so small -
It wasn't meant to end this way.

You were the leader in the cast,
You were the greatest of them all,
The implications were so vast
If ever you were slow to call.
And robbing Peter to pay Paul
Was easier than child's play.
Who ever thought to see you crawl?
It wasn't meant to end this way.

You were a man without a past.
Some things were rumoured, that was all;
And then one day, a fitful blast
Tumbled your house of cards so tall.
The shadow of another day
Had fallen on you like a pall -
It wasn't meant to end this way.

Prince, with your Mirror on the wall,
Far flung your empire floats away,
And you were fished out with a trawl -
It wasn't meant to end this way.

Written with Maxwell in mind, but also, as I wrote at the time, "those other crooks in public life who have not come unstuck yet, and who are too powerful to be exposed publicly. But of course, if they do get their come uppance, it will turn out that everyone who was everyone knew about it all the time."