The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67966   Message #1142325
Posted By: Art Thieme
21-Mar-04 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: The Weavers and the McCarthy Era
Subject: RE: The Weavers and the McCarthy Era
And many of us who grew up and then came into our 20s in the early 1960s, a bit later than Pete and the Weavers, saw the logic of the many various and good causes, saw the truth of at least some of the Communists ideals, morality, and ethics as exhibited by those singers who became our role models, and we knew that many of the reforms needed badly in our society, reforms that they were pointing out to us, were good and true points of view to hold onto and to cherish as we formed our world views. Few of us really wanted to overthrow anyone's elected government----although we did wish to do away with the sterile consumerism ---- the blatant, and excessive corporate Capitalism as developed by our parents generation. Coming out from under the crushing weight of The Depression, our parents had developed this to a high level. That is what was putting us through school in relative luxury --- while exploiting labor and minorities to do it. THIS was worth rebeling against. --- But it was NOTHING compared to the money-grubbing get-all-you-can-and-run-with-it attitudes exhibited today in so many aspects of American life.

In these modern enlightened times, now, our sincerely held feelings and attitudes are relegated to the demeaning category of Politically Correct by those who wish to deny validity to ANY of the advancements our generations have possibly made. What a bunch of crap.

Pete Seeger and The Weavers and their various degrees of Communist friends have shown me graphically, even as totalitarian Communism has been self-destructing, that the way of a Rainbow Quest -- a Grail Quest leading towards heaven on earth must be one of inclusion and not one of exclusion. For that I will always be grateful. ------- De pie be here on Earth--- not in the stratosphere.

(--- And this while we are being told that we need to bomb others into submission rather than share the wealth and foster good will to all. For the first time in American history we are being told we should utilize a National Ammendment to our Constituion to EXCLUDE a large segment of Americans from being able to wed. --- As Bobby D. said, "Now is the time for your tears."   

Art Thieme