The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68095   Message #1142872
Posted By: Strick
22-Mar-04 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Nonexistent:God, An Anthropomorphic Personal Deity
Subject: RE: BS: Nonexistent: God, An Anthropomorphic Per
"However, millions have been slaughtered In the Name of God.
What we atheists need to do is just get them to STOP THE KILLING."

I know what you mean, except I need to point out a little observed fact. More people have died making the world "safe for democracy" than any other reason. What do I mean? Well, until the end of the 19th century, we just weren't using scientific enough methods for killing each other. The death tolls WWI and WWII far surpass the killing, at least the military and political impact, of all the wars up to their time. One battle in WWI, a single battle, resulted in more deaths than all the deaths in the American Civil War and the American Revolution combined. That ignores the 25 million people is Stalin alleged to have killed in the "atheist" Soviet Union and the uncounted deaths in Communist China and other countries where God has nothing to do with the gencide.

Don't forget, too, that racism, lust for power and greed usually have hide behind something to justify war. Religion is a convenient excuse for a lot of killing that would have happened even if it didn't exist. It's possible, just possible, you're over estimating the cost of religion in blood over the course of history.

Of course, there's that other little thing. Science and reason are not without their faults. Science was god in the 50s and 60s; where did it get us? Pesticides and the silent spring. Radiation is good for you, learn to "duck and cover", you'll be safe. Thalidomide is safe for expectant mothers, give antibiotics to people and live stock and we'll wipe out disease (and not breed killer bacteria). Pollution, global warming, genetically modified foods, ICBMs and total thermonuclear war, all science run amuck. We're killing ourselves with our own technology or at least trying to.

I'm not in the least trying to convince anyone to believe what I believe or challenge your right to believe what you want. I just think that evil in people's hearts, greed, selfishness, hate, that's the real problem. You can't blame everything on religion. Do away with it and, I promise, you'll only have to shift the blame to something else.