The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68095   Message #1142970
Posted By: Cruiser
22-Mar-04 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Nonexistent:God, An Anthropomorphic Personal Deity
Subject: RE: BS: Nonexistent: God, An Anthropomorphic Per
Ellenpoly: I have read the Faith thread and I posted to it. I talked about Faith vs. faith on 25 Dec. before the other Faith thread was started. As you know, faith may not necessarily deal with any God. The tread here is specifically about a personal God and Faith and/or religion associated with that God, not Faith or faith in general.

freda: no bouncing around here. I was a believer and church member since age 5, I was baptized at 13 years-old, and I became a non-believer in my mid-twenties. I still try to search for evidence of a God. If there was evidence for the God hypothesis, I (and I am sure other atheists) would accept that evidence if it was replicative. Then there would be no need for the term atheist, except in a historical sense. I would then accept the God hypothesis. If additional repeatable evidence was forthcoming, the hypothesis could become a working theory of God.

That is the beauty of scientific inquiry and the scientific method in particular, it is self-correcting. Our knowledge (hypotheses and theories) must be updated if new evidence points to an alternative hypothesis or when exceptions are found to current working theories. These old theories, although not wrong, are replaced with new, more inclusive theories based on the new evidence.

I will write more on this later, work calls.
