The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68095   Message #1143371
Posted By: Mark Clark
22-Mar-04 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: Nonexistent:God, An Anthropomorphic Personal Deity
Subject: RE: BS: Nonexistent: God, An Anthropomorphic Per
Harking back to Cruiser's original post, the main problem with W's “christianity” is that he uses the word without actually being a Christian or understanding the idea. Fundamentalists, whether Christian, Islamist, Hindu, Capitalist (arguably, another religion) or whatever have lost the core of their chosen faith in their zeal to use it as a weapon against the rest of us. An actual Christian would never inflict his beliefs on someone else and has faith that God will mete out any judgement that might be needed. To W, his “christianity” is just a means of claiming his divine right to rule the rest of us.

Now I'm no cosmologist, but if I understand what I read, (and I may not <g>) respected physicists now believe that superstrings may be the finaly irreducible structures of which everything is ultimately constructed. The interesting thing is that these structures are evidently thought to be two-dimensional—meaning they have no mass, no physical existance. If everything we know about is constructed only of ideas, perhaps we've proven the existance of God after all.

      - Mark