The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13670   Message #114397
Posted By: katlaughing
15-Sep-99 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: A Folkie (sort of) Wedding.
Subject: RE: A Folkie (sort of) Wedding.
Congratulations! Helen! 'Spaw if ya can't make it to Oz, there'll be plenty of room for you and your entourage, and yes, YOU can be my maid of honour or dishonour, whichever!*bg*

I can't think of anyone I'd rather have do this kind of ceremony more than Sandy! It would be so cool if this worked out! I've been thinking about it for years and just hadn't an idea of who would do it for us. The first time it was a judge, in an empty traffic court. In our pictures is the blackboard, which is actually green, with traffic patterns drawn on it in chalk. Mmmmmm, wonder if that was some sort of omen?.....can't think of any.
