The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13713   Message #114417
Posted By: Mike Billo
15-Sep-99 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Help needed: old but good musicians
Subject: RE: Help needed: old but good musicians
There is a video titled "Dreams and Songs of the Noble Old" featuring people like Sam Chatmon and Nimrod Workman that I highly recommend. On the weekend of the 24th and 25th this month is the Old-Time Fiddlers festival in the mall at Woodland CA, and I am usually one of the yougest pickers there (I'm 50). I found the title of this thread "Old But Good", a little offensive, as if, being older precludes being good. I am SO sick and tired of the worship of the youth culture in this country. I'll get off the soapbox now and quote Homer Simpson on the advantages of aging. "You get to wear your pants up under your armpits and ride the bus for half price. Sounds like a sweet deal to me".