The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68036   Message #1144253
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
23-Mar-04 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry and world leaders
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry and world leaders
"We are all going to be sick enough of campaigning long before the election is over as it is...from both parties."

exactly why we need more debates. in that format the candidates are forced to address issues rather than just issue expensive negative ads that are nothing but misrepresentations of the other's record and smears. they all do it. we have an unprecedentedly long campaign ahead so why not have an unprecedented number of debates? i, for one, would be very interested and listen to them all. i don't listen to any political advertising because i know that's what it is- advertising not truth. i'd be very interested in hearing the candidates frequently in a forum where they have to use their intellect and oratorical skills to tell us what they plan to do in the future not just to criticize each other on how they voted on this or that issue 20 years ago. the thing that makes us sick is the drumbeat of lies and misrepresentation of the record. let's have them face each other a lot between now and november. i think a lot of americans who care about their government would agree.