The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46064   Message #1144917
Posted By: Peace
24-Mar-04 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: Joan Baez not a fraud exactly
Subject: RE: Joan Baez not a fraud exactly
I am reminded of pedants who argue the merits of Shakespeare as a writer, poet, etc. I am fairly well studied in that area of literature, and the boy could turn a phrase. However, not everything he wrote is a masterpiece. In fact, he doesn't have all that many masterpieces. He was another guy makin' a living. We would do well to remember that when we listen to fellow(ette) musicians, writers, singers, bards, etc. Ya likes what ya likes, and that's that. I have heard people argue fine points of the songs, "Maggie" or "Wild Mountain Thyme (Time)". They are beautiful as far as I am concerned. I have done WMT on occasion well enough to evoke feelings in listeners--and other times I have turned it into what I thought was a disaster. From a single performance, two reviewers gave differing opinions: One thought it was close to the best rendition he'd ever heard, the other basically thought I should be flogged, drawn and quartered and then hanged. Go figger.

Has Baez ever messed up a song? You know damn well she has. So what? She's given a helluva lot to music, and some of it is priceless. That all I gotta say 'bout that.

Hey, LH, I want to hear about the Dylan concert, good buddy. Bruce Murdoch