The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68036   Message #1145336
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
24-Mar-04 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry and world leaders
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry and world leaders
Just to get back to the Scalia part of this thread. Great piece in the OP ED of the NY Times today---Scalia purchased a round trip ticket on an airline since Cheney left the "hunting" early. Reason was that a roundtrip is cheaper than one way. It is, however, illegal.   Strange rule, but there it is.

In theory the airlines can prosecute someone for this. Granted, it is bizarre pricing. However, a man of such "integrity" doing this and then---to add salt to the wound--proudly promulgating his thinking. What is the word I am looking for----Oh Yes---Chutzpah.

Scalia can talk all he wants about the upholding of the law and his objectivity but when push comes to shove he is like everyone one else. He is looking for a free ride---and in this case in the most literal sense.

So--if a case about the Airline pricing policy ever gets to the Supreme Court can we expect an honest ruling from the penurious Mr. Scalia.

The frightening part is that he is involved in delivering "justice".   But not for himself.

Bill Hahn