The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68149   Message #1145482
Posted By: Donuel
25-Mar-04 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
Subject: RE: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
In the company, killers who do the wet work have fancy assignments called special ops. Like the Mafia they don't know why someone needs to die along with their family they just have a job to do.

In Pauls case the job (could be) simple. All you need is 30 seconds of access to the plane prior to take off.

Open the access door and wind on the magnesioum strip around the wing control wires/hydraulic line. The magnesium is attached to a detonator no bigger than a match stick and the detonator is attached to a small baromentric trigger which sets off the detonator the second time that 1,200 feet is indicated. Attach a second one to the rudder control line for good measure.

The magnesium separates the control line and vaporizes itself and the tiny barometric device. The plane is now descending without any control of direction up down left or right. All the pilot has left to control is the throttle.

The crash stresses will convincingly seperate the lines.

A more exotic scenario could use a micro wave/infrared cannon in a camper outside the airport that zaps the cockpit area on the way in.

If it seems this easy to imagine, it is probably just as easy to really do these kinds of assasinations.

Ask Ashcroft about the election he lost to an airplane crash victim.
Its a very good story.