The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67975   Message #1146307
Posted By: Strick
25-Mar-04 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rummy caught on video
Subject: RE: BS: Rummy caught on video
"Now, before I get into the pot-kettle-black thing, could you please present some evidence for that odd statement?"

Nothing I've seen on the web (I haven't looked, though). Reports on NPR that Clarke proposed multiple attacks on Afghanistan and Al Qaeda, which both Clinton and Bush both rejected in favor of diplomatic means. You're right, war may be to strong a word. Pre-emtive attack might be a better word.

Thomas, if we had kept it funny, I wouldn't have made such a fool out of myself. Thanks. You can make fun of me any time.

Is anyone polling on exactly what I said? Doubt it, but here are the results of the lastest Newsweek poll:

Poll: Bush and Kerry Neck and Neck

The voter's poll is a statiscial deadheat and Bush stil leads with people on terrorism and Iraq by what could be called a wide margin:

"Voters are far more likely to trust Bush than Kerry on these issues(terrorism and Iraq - sls). On terrorism, 56 percent of all voters would prefer the leadership of the incumbent president, 33 percent would prefer to see Kerry at the helm. On Iraq, Bush beats Kerry 53 percent to 38 percent."