The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1146331
Posted By: GUEST,Anne Croucher
25-Mar-04 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
Decades ago I was visiting London and decided to visit Cecil Sharpe House, and found there was a song session being held, so I stayed and asked the organisers if I might sing - I had been singing in public for a few years and was perfectly confident about standing up on stage alone.

Eventually I was called on, and began to sing - only to have the two organisers start to howl out a slightly different version of the song.

I was living in Southsea, Hants at the time and was used to rowdyness, a group of us sang in pubs and we did the Horseshoe at the end of Elm Grove even on Navy pay day Thursdays.

I sang the song through, and the audience were singing with me by the time I finished, refused a second song stepped down from the stage and walked out, cursing mightily.

I am sure my singing was as good as it usually was/is - I check up occasionally by recording myself.

It was just after that incident that the EFDSS began to encounter all sorts of trouble, and I did sometimes wonder - my mother's mother was part gypsey - don't know which bit exactly - and she always said she could curse people. Maybe I inherited.

I did find it demoralising and I have never had the same confidence ever since. I never had stage fright before, from that night I have had the shakes every time I even think of performing.

It seems silly after thirty odd years, but it really upset me and destroyed my confidence.

Anne Croucher