The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68188   Message #1146619
Posted By: Teribus
26-Mar-04 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Subject: RE: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Geoff the Duck, just to put it into perspective Idi Amin was Sergeant in the Ugandan Army before Independence, not an officer - that came later, he was promoted/commissioned by Milton Obote.

ard mhacha - 25 Mar 04 - 12:54 PM

Just to refute some of your drivel,

Where exactly do I say that - "the IRA responsible for the deaths of 3500"?

From the, "Brit dirty tricks dept" - I receive lots and lots, a fantastically obscene amount of money Ard - every month, have done for years - and if you believe that you'll believe anything (which judging by some of the crap you come out with is just possible).

"...after all he was a squaddie (not true), armed to the teeth (on occasion), in a land he wasn`t welcome in (Not so: First tour - greatly welcomed by the those in the Catholic areas we were protecting; Second tour greatly welcomed by the greater majority of the community we were protecting from the indisrciminate bombings, maimings and killings being perpetrated by the paramilitaries of both sides)."

Question for you Ard - name me ONE member of any Nationalist/Republican paramilitary organisation who saved anybody's life? I don't count bombers or bomb-makers who managed to blow themselves up either constructing their bomb or in transit while delivering that bomb to its target.