The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68188   Message #1146773
Posted By: Stu
26-Mar-04 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Subject: RE: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
What should Tony do then?

Well, for starters he should meet with the Dalai Lama instead of making weak excuses for avoiding him - details. Remember, His Holiness is a geniune man of peace - a true believer in dialogue not bombs would be eager to meet a man of such experience.

The UN has done a fair bit, but as we all are aware these days, the UN is now little more than a gossip shop if the people with the biggest guns decide they're going to do what they want anyway. UN resolutions (and others passed in national parliments) on Tibet are available for viewing here.

When has our Tone been in a position to do something about Tibet?
All world leaders are in a position to do something about Tibet. Remember, it was under a 'Labour' government Tibet flags were confiscated from peaceful law-abiding protesters during the Chinese Premier's visit. Even making the point to the Chinese would be a start - George Bush meets with the Dalai Lama - Tone normally follows his lead.

As for the Libyan meeting, I think it is a move in the right directon, but he should have sent the man of Straw first and not gone himself -small steps!