The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68215   Message #1146788
Posted By: Teribus
26-Mar-04 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
So Barry's bang-on is he Peter?

Poor soul, I really feel for him, with his human & civil rights all trampled upon, neither freedom of press or speech to comfort him, and him, tapping away at his computer, writing anything he wants to, or cares to invent, about his government, their lies, their corruption and every other action where he can demonstrate their ineptitude, incompetence, etc. In short questioning the powers that be ad nauseum.

What's happened to him? Has he been branded a terrorist? Has he been whisked off to some dark secret location? The answers of course are respectively - Nothing; No & No.

So, "There's still so much that they won't turn over to the commission or make public" Not surprising, there's a war on (not Iraq) - hadn't you noticed? If you hadn't then high bloody time you did.

"contempt for the victims", "disrespect for the American public", what complete and utter rubbish.

By the way Barry and Peter, the Wolf, asshole Powell, Rums'field, as "Bang-on" Barry refers to them, all testified last Tuesday - Do try and keep up will you.