The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68188   Message #1146811
Posted By: Teribus
26-Mar-04 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Subject: RE: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Your first link - So the Prime Minister of the UK was busy? Has anybody said that he categorically would not see him? - Or has that just become fact because you and Ms Carrick THINK that?

Stigweard, ould son, the UN has ALWAYS only been a talking shop, there purely to serve the self-interests of its members - not its intended purpose I know but that is what it is in FACT. So the UN managed to pass three resolutions, which all seem to be repeats dating back from 1959, well it's only 2004, early days yet in terms of UN time. Interestingly enough, no resolutions at all from the British.

Make what point to the Chinese? That Tibet should be an independent country? Not even the Dalai Lama wants that (according to Ms Carrick). After having made our point to the Chinese what do we then do if they ignore it? - Not talk to them? Pretend they don't exist?

Get Dalia Lama to talk to Chinese - first small step - fuck-all to do with UK.