The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1146902
Posted By: George Papavgeris
26-Mar-04 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
Pheww - I joined this thread late, and had to weave my way through several exchanges on the subject of sucking...But the bottom line seems to be about what level of tolerance you are able to maintain in later life.

I am as intolerant as anybody my age, when I am not careful, though as a matter of personality I have rarely told those who in my opinion suck, that they do so. Because somewhere in all the crap, there are gems. Someone mentioned the young Dylan earlier. And I heard that Stan Rogers wrote one of my all-time favourite songs, "Lies", for his mother when he was 23.

Now, I am sure Stan wrote some crap too, when he was younger. He was a big fella though, so I bet few people told him that he sucks, even if he had deserved it. And how old was McCartney when he wrote "Yesterday"?

For every whining pimply 18-year old pouring out angst there is always a whining wrinkly xx-year old pouring out frustrations.

Writing crap is not the prerogative of the young'uns. I know. I fill buckets meself.