The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1146911
Posted By: George Papavgeris
26-Mar-04 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
Chapter 3:


All day you bombard my ears
With how you have three times my years
Lessons you would try to teach
To me, but all you do is preach.
I know you have experience
But stop beating that drum
Just because I'm learning still
It doesn't mean I'm dumb;
My learning days have just begun.

You say black and I say white
And nothing that I do is right
Angrily you slam the door
And my opinions you ignore.
Sure, we have our differences,
But talk to me, don't shout
And if I see things different,
Please don't shut me out;
That's what being young is all about.

Anything I want to do
Is just a waste of time to you.
With my dreams you disagree
You want to plan my life for me.
The road that I will travel
It isn't yours to call
So I will make my own mistakes,
I'll stumble and I'll fall;
Just life as usual, that's all

You despise all my friends
You say they'll meet a sorry end.
You dread what will become of me
But learn to put your trust in me.
There's still one thing you have to learn
And that is letting go
The more you pull, the more I'll push
Don't make the distance grow;
I love you, but won't let it show

You say I'm your prince and heir
But even princes need their air.
So don't wait half the night for me
And with your love don't smother me.
Don't despair and pull your hair
And stop giving me flak.
Just be there when I need you
When I go off the track;
One day I promise I'll be back

(c)Copyright 2003 George Papavgeris