The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1146916
Posted By: GUEST,Shlio
26-Mar-04 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
Martin Gibson, I respect your right to have your own point of view, but I also claim my right to tell you that I think it is stupid.

I've written poetry, and I know that most of it (especially the mercifully few angst-ridden ones) sucks. Which I was told. Because of this, I stopped writing.

It took a very understanding, more experienced person to look at it, with out giving up at the first sign of crap, to find what was good in it. She didn't tell me it sucked - though she could have. Instead she helped me to improve, and gave me the confidence to start writing again.

If someone is brave enough to present a creative piece, that they have worked hard on, to you, I think you have a responsibility to help that person improve, especially if it sucks.

(And don't attack me for using poetry rather than music, please...I'm just using a real experience)