The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1147113
Posted By: Richard Bridge
26-Mar-04 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
Martin Gibson.

If you are prepared to be judged, who really are you, and why do you think you are so good?

I use my real name. I know my limitations. Dave Bryant uses his real name. Eliza Carthy uses hers. Are you chicken or what? Are you prepared to be judged? You say you are Jewish. Will you scream racism if someone makes that a point of criticism?

I have never heard Martin Carthy or Ian Bruce say to someone that they suck. Likewise a singer I know who, as a non-folk player had a No 7 hit. I remember very well Martin saying of a song that Jacqui and I had sung "That was a good song. Is it one of yours?" It was, and I don't like it much any more.

When you pass such thresholds we may value you as much as Cowell. Until then, you are beneath contempt.

Oh, and incidentally, you are so proud of your two guitars. When will you learn to judge something other than historical reputation?