The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1147277
Posted By: Amos
26-Mar-04 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
I think Kendall is putting his finger on an important point that has been the bane of poetic types since time immemorial: viz, the intensity of personal experience vice the breadth of common experience. The great poet finds the intersection of these things deftly with vivid accuracy -- e.g., Frost and the Path Not Taken, Eliot and the Love Song of... or Thomas and Do Not Go Gentle. Vivid intersection betweent he Moi and the Toujours.

But the art is in making it vibrant and echoing and electrick, Godammit! And, if that does not make sense, blame it on Chianti.