The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68239   Message #1147367
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
27-Mar-04 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Health Problem?
Subject: RE: BS: Health Problem?
A vicar of my acquaintance invited his sister and brother in law over for dinner. The main dish was steak. As he entered the kitchen, this vicar saw one of his dogs making off with a steak. Having no spare meat and so much hot meat being bad for the dog, he removed the steak from the dog, wiped the more obvious bits of slobber off, put it on the plate and served it to the brother in law (the steak, not the dog). Brother in law even complimented vicar on his culinary skills, and none were the worse afterwards.

When, a few years later, the sister and brother in law divorced (he ran off with someone else after treating his wife abominably - mental cruelty is a lot worse than physical, you can't see the scars or bruises), the vicar admitted the steak incident to the sister. She laughed long and righteously, took the vicar out to dinner and bought the dog a bone resembling a T Rex femur!