The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1147609
Posted By: Big Mick
27-Mar-04 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
I kind of chuckle when I read some of this stuff. Let me begin by saying I have not read most of this thread, just the last 6 or so posts. Does it strike anyone else as funny that the older posters are forgetting their youth and the younger poster figures that being misunderstood is new ground?

Those born in the time frame of 1930 - 40, do you remember the suit coat, wide legged pants and tee shirt? How about the 50's when rock n' roll was the sign of young 'uns going to hell? And the 60's when we rejected everything about our parents generation, from views on sex, to music, to drugs? And so on. And do you remember how we were supposedly just trying to get attention, according to the older folks that judged us? Of course, we never saw it that way, we were trying "to change the world" from the mess the older ones had made. "In our world, we're going to make it strong, our world...." in the worlds of a song. We felt completely misunderstood by our elders. Then we got older, and what happened? Some of us turned into our parents. Do you remember being judged based on how long your hair was, instead of by your actions, and how angry that made you feel?

Damon, what you are feeling is not new. We went through it, and some of us became our parents. But you are misreading Kendall, as he is one of those who just likes folks that are decent folks. He may be a crusty old fart, but he is a great and accepting crusty old fart.

When I see someone walking down the street with an outlandish look, I see myself at various times in my life. And I remember that I was simply trying to define myself, or make a statement, or just be me. And in my opinion, and it is probably just mine, I came out OK, and am still trying to make a positive difference on this old orb.

So to answer the question posed by thread, yes, I was that young. And, God willing, I still am. If only my body felt it..........

All the best,
