The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68149   Message #1147752
Posted By: GUEST,JH
27-Mar-04 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
Subject: RE: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
The gain from assassinating a political opponent would be too uncertain (how do you know what you'd gain even if successful?) to warrant the risk taken that anyone could find out. JFK is still seen as one of our greatest presidents ever, based almost soley on his martyrdom. Do you really think either side would consider assassination as a viable means of gaining power? The likelyhood of being found out would be too great. And when you are found out, the opposition party would be set for the forseeable future.

What you are suggesting -- a Republican assassination of a Democrat (who was as much trouble to the centrists in his own party) is like an elementary school plot.

A Jr High level plot would at least have Democrats assasinating Wellstone and then pinning it on the Republicans. At least that way they'd gain two ways -- lose their nagging conscience and set their opponent reeling trying to prove their innocence.