The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68272   Message #1147845
Posted By: Raedwulf
27-Mar-04 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: 500+ dead, Bush makes jokes
Subject: RE: BS: 500+ dead, Bush makes jokes
Ummmm... I ain't no fan of GWB, but I'm not quite sure what the issue is here. It is clearly stated that this is an event where the Prez usually sends himself up. Any topic that he chooses is likely to wind somebody up. I don't see that he was being directly or deliberately disrespectful to anyone, Iraqi, Other, or US (& yes, I placed the Yanks last in that list - notice how the published outrage is only outraged about a perceived insult to dead US servicemen...).

He is probably guilty of a bit of bad taste, but what this is really indicative of is the way that the modern media will happily blow something out of all proportion to the intention in the interests of making a story that will sell more copy. Especially when an election is looming...

Yours, A Cynical Bastard (yes, about WMD too, before you ask)