The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68095   Message #1148341
Posted By: dianavan
28-Mar-04 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: Nonexistent:God, An Anthropomorphic Personal Deity
Subject: RE: BS: Nonexistent: God, An Anthropomorphic Person
You're so right Little Hawk. The space between the bible thumpers and the born again atheists is wide indeed. Seems to me that anyone with an open heart and a mind of their own can and should find a faith to bring them through troubled times. The dogma of religious organizations create too much conflict and atheism doesn't leave much room for compassion.

Personally, I don't need anyone to tell me the difference between right and wrong and as to an afterlife, nobody knows for sure. Heaven or Hell? Lets just say that life is what you make it.
