The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68149   Message #1148431
Posted By: Gareth
28-Mar-04 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
Subject: RE: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
Hmmm ! - I do not doubt that Bush and friends were capable of ordering, or hinting ("Will no one rid me of this turbulant priest") the death of the Senator - but suspicians are not proof, and a brouwsing of this site Click 'Ere may answer some questions on the likelyhood of "illogical" pilot error.

That being said there are some very firm political rules of thumb over this side of the pond.

1/. An accidental death of a politician tends not to alter any "National Political Swing" in any subsequent by election, in fact there is a small degree of sympathy vote.

2/. Leaving office for well known health reasons tends not to alter any "National Political Swing" in any subsequent by election.

3/. Leaving office under a scandal, or to take a well paid sinicure, means that all hell is let loose on the "Doorstep" or "telephone bank" in any subsequent by election.

If GWB JNR, or Rove wanted to shaft Wellstone then a staged suicide after allegationbs of Peadophillia (SP) or Bribary, or the like would have been more likely - And again I have little doubt that this could have been arranged.

Just my thoughts ! Though put Foster in this senario - after all the Republican did not stint / Do not stint in any means to destroy the Clitons - and if there is any doubt remaining on his suicide, well who gains ?
