The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68089   Message #1148662
Posted By: geeman
28-Mar-04 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding's passing. (March 20, 2004)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding's passing.
Hi Mudcats (I guess that's what you call 'em):
I'm new to this group of folkie nuts, so here's yet more proof of Rick's profound influence - getting me to join. I'm Glen Hornblast, a long-time Toronto folkie. Since Rick's passing, I've run into so many fellow folkies that, like myself, feel the immense loss and sorrow of losing this wonderful human being and musician (although I have a feeling he's still floating around someplace).
Rick gave me tremendous support and encouragement years ago when I was just getting my feet wet as a songwriter. His helpful tips and encouragement probably made me go on when I was ready to quit. There's even a song Rick helped me write - a song which is probably the best song I ever wrote - in the song "Mary", a song about a street person, Rick gave me the last line of the song: "Mary's only crime is being born." Do they have royalties in heaven? Cheaper wings, maybe?
So I just wanted to share with you folks from out of town, how much of a force Rick was in the Toronto folk scene. So many musicians owe their start to this wonderful, generous, humorous song-picker. Just last week I was playing a feature at Toronto's Fat Albert's coffeehouse. In the introduction, I dedicated my "Mary" song to Rick, and mentioned that Rick helped write the last line of the last verse. Lo and behold, just when I got to the last verse, somebody's cellphone went off. Someone finally answered it, but there was no one there. Afterwards, it hit me ... maybe that was Rick? He probably hated cellphones, but I wouldn't put it past him.
To Heather, my best wishes and condolances in dealing with the sorrow. Hopefully, you'll find some comfort in the tremendous and amazing outpouring of love for the man from the entire folk community - not just local but worldwide. All the best, dear Heather.
Glen Hornblast - Toronto