The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68167   Message #1148897
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
29-Mar-04 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Were we ever that young?
Subject: RE: Were we ever that young?
That's why I said "almost always", not "always", Wilfried. Though there's something in common between war and childhood, and in boitn cases, the later chapters in of people's personal histories tend to get overshadowed.

..."As for judging people because they only use 3 chords and a capo to do a song , these were the tools of Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams. I have heard Woody quoted: " Anyone using more than 3 chords is just showing off!"

Actually that exaggerates the number. Here's what Woody actually said about this: "Well, I usually play songs in two chords, C and G, and every once in awhile, I throw in an F, just to impress the girls."

All right, he was oversimplifying, or rather he was overstating his oversimplifying. But not by all that much - he saw keeping it simple as a posituve virtue, not just something to tolerate.

And here is a quote from his granddaughter, Sarah Lee Guthrie: "I think Woody definitely gives me a ticket to be simple," she says. "When you think about Woody, you don't think of anybody's who's selfish; he's never just talking about himself. And that's very attractive, especially today, when so much of the music we hear is really very selfish... It's so great, having that kind of pride in being simple. He gives everybody permission to create and not be scared to be who they are."

That last sentence is a good one. (And the quote also suggest what's the problem, sometimes, with over-introspective songwriters of any age.)