Good news for the lovers of Sing Out! original reprints.
I received the following email recently:
Look for the reissue of _CR v.1-6_ somewhere around the beginning of next year. We've found an "on-demand" printer that'll make it possible to put the books back in print, albeit at a slightly higher price. (We haven't actually set the new price yet, as all the manufacturing numbers aren't in yet, but if you e me in a couple of months, I'll be able to give you all the details and you can order away.)
Mark D. Moss / Sing Out!
P.O. Box 5460 (for UPS: 512 E. 4th St.)
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Ph: (610)865-5366 x203
Fx: (610)865-5129
Toll Free (orders only!): (888)SING-OUT
E-mail: Web: