The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68325   Message #1149367
Posted By: Willie-O
29-Mar-04 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Bob Copper (1915-2004)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bob Copper OBE
OBE = Order of the British Empire. An honour which he received only last week!

Hot off the wire on Maplepost:
"Just wanted everyone to know the sad news that Bob Copper passed away
this afternoon, at approx. 4:30 pm GMT. He was surrounded by his
family, and did not suffer.

Bob had just been granted an OBE last Thursday, and had the chance to
hear Prince Charles say "Imagine, a Life Guard who sings folk songs!"
He had had a big celebration yesterday with the family, so enjoyed
himself right through the last of his 89 years.

Phyllis Barney, Executive Director
North American Folk Music and Dance Alliance"

It isn't how long you live, it's what you do with what time you have. Bob Copper obviously had the best of both.