The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68325   Message #1149383
Posted By: GUEST,McGrath of Altcar
29-Mar-04 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Bob Copper (1915-2004)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bob Copper OBE
I loved his book, and the tunes in the back with the harmony included were a formative influence.

I did A-level music and the rules of harmony we were taught there were stupid. This little book showed me that you could use parallel thirds and that TE did not necessarily have to rise to DOH.

An OBE is a medal - the Order of the Britsh Empire Mike. - it's a medal given by (?) the Queen for, in Mr. Copper's case, services to folk music. Very well deserved.

He was a true inspiration to me at a formative time.