The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68311   Message #1149488
Posted By: breezy
29-Mar-04 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: Is there a folk club mafia ?
Subject: RE: Is there a folk club mafia ?
And I took in Mike N at W-Abbey.
Everybody got to do a song,a tune or a poem, 12 floor spots in all
I won a bottle of wine in the raffle!!
moses came too and sang jutland by les sullivan les is his name, its not the french as inlay
She - moses - also won a bottle of wine in the raffle
The W Abbey raffle had 7 prizes, that beats herga's raffle.
the st Albans raffle only has music Cds as prizes so is therefore not to be compared.

Also took out a full page ad in Puddlestone folk Magazine for the 'Windward' where this Friday its Tommy Sands

We remembered Bob Copper

Good night