The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68269   Message #1149560
Posted By: Big Mick
29-Mar-04 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Banning water from festivals
Subject: RE: BS: Banning water from festivals
Fair enough, diana, and by the way, I agree with a great deal of what you say. In fact I find very little to disagree with. It just seemed to me that everything was pointed here, and while I don't like most of the situation I see, I do tire of others consistently pointing here and forgetting that they are part of it too. One of the few things that I disagree with in your post had to do with your contention that what happens in the US will make its way to Canada in less than 10 years. That implies that somehow that is the fault of the US. I would suggest to you, based on the many friends that I have in Canada, that can only happen if the Canadians want it to happen. In other words it is wrong to suggest it is the fault of the US. If Canadians adopt the ways of the US, it is because they want to. We don't force that. To suggest otherwise is to show an incredible lack of respect for the intellect of your fellow Canadians. And I sincerely don't believe that is the case with you.

From what I have seen of my Canadian neighbors, I think they are doing just fine and will take what they choose from us and reject what they don't like. And if the USA is paying attention to their northern neighbor, they will see much to emulate. Now............. if they would just take care of their own trash and quit shipping it here.
