The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68188   Message #1149739
Posted By: Stu
30-Mar-04 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Subject: RE: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi

Can I refer you to my post of 27 Mar 04 - 06:17 AM - the second link there will provide some background to the UK involvement in Tibet's past.

"It has been a province of PRC since 1950."

Because it was invaded - bit like Kuwait was by Iraq, Poland was by the Nazis and China was by the Japanese. Before that it was a soverign nation, and the UN has agreed the invasion was illegal.

"So what serves the best interests of the UK?"

Nice try! According to our Tone, anywhere there is an injustice being perpetrated against a population by an oppresive regeime it's in all our interests to act - or is that only when we get some sort of material gain?