The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68072   Message #1149791
Posted By: GUEST,Raggytash
30-Mar-04 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Duel MCFAT - KAMPERVAN
Oi Deano      You want to volunteer to be a judge, you cannot then complain about the content. As a judge you are required to be neutral so butt out of the argument.

PS As MC Fat and I were victorious in the Rout at the Sun, Beverley last yead we question the possibility of your remaining neutral in subsequent duel and will therefore appeal to the judicial council (who appoint judges) that in this instance you not be considered as a suitable candidate for this important bout. Please don't take this personally, we are not making any aspersions that you might feel inclined to favour the challengers.

'onest injun !