The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68188   Message #1149907
Posted By: Stu
30-Mar-04 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Subject: RE: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi

"Your point?" was that the Younghusband expedition was responsible for drawing China's attention to the straegic location and value of Tibet, and this event led to the eventual invasion by the People's Army (though it's far more complicated that, but to illustrate British involvement in Tibet).

"It certainly does not suggest to me that the occupation, liberation? of Tibet is a peculiarly UK problem" and I would agree - it isn't, nor is the possible loss of any culture anywhere in the world. As for the UN, I think with China being a permanent member of the Security Council we can be sure the veto would be used, even if someone had the political will to table one.

"...go ask some of our fellow Europeans...etc" That's not the point here - I was more interested in what Tone wasn't doing about even meeting the DL.

"but then most things in life are neither right, or fair - Fact" So should we all give up and let the people with the biggest guns, most money etc run the show for their own ends?

"China about Tibet, ask them to tell China that they (the chinese) should withdraw from Tibet, pay stax in compensation and restore the country to it's previous glory" Not even the DL would accept that was over going to happen - how about an autonomous region within China where people can live the life they wish without state oppression?

Tibetan culture offers us an alternative to the current dominant human mindset, which has an emphasis on the material and not the fact humans simply want to be happy. Over 2000 years of intense study of the mind and inner well-being of humans could be lost and we can't afford that as a species, and it's a mark of our ability to act civilised as to whether we let it disappear forever.

For an introduction, try The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, by Soygal Rinpoche. you never know, you may like it!