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Thread #68188   Message #1150147
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
30-Mar-04 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi
Subject: RE: BS: Bliar shakes hands with Gaddaffi

Thanks for the recommendation of the book in your post - I will look it out.

When you say - "the Younghusband expedition was responsible for drawing China's attention to the strategic location and value of Tibet, and this event led to the eventual invasion by the People's Army."

Come on, that's a bit of a stretch isn't it. I believe that when Mao's boys went walk-about to expel the KMT, they would have quite happily have gone into a number of places on a more-or-less permanent basis.

As for - "So should we all give up and let the people with the biggest guns, most money etc run the show for their own ends?"

That's pretty much how the world has struggled along thus far, irrespective of culture or continent. Situations arise when things can be changed and things happen to improve the lot of mankind, sort of three steps forwards two steps back sort of routine, but progress is made (little steps again).

DL pays a visit to the UK and his PR agent? (Ms Carrick) requests a meeting with the Prime Minister, unfortunately over the period of the visit the PM is busy. Now, I'm sorry, but that seems fairly plausible to me, what's the problem? Has there been any statement to the fact that the current PM has vowed that the DL will never darken his door - don't think so.

The DL should be concentrating on talking to the Chinese, they are the ones he has to convince that such a province would pose no threat to them. The number of temporary world leaders he has visited previously will not sway the Chinese decision one way or another.

As to saving the culture of Tibet, that can only be done by Tibetans.