The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13759   Message #115050
Posted By: wildlone
17-Sep-99 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Robin Head the Pusher (Fred Wedlock)
Subject: Lyr Add: ROBIN HEAD THE PUSHER (Christmas)
The version I know is by that fine singer Fried Wetlog, sorry Fred Wedlock, I haven't worked out how to space the song in lines, and I am working from memory but here goes:

Robin Head the Pusher
(Keith Christmas, as recorded by Fred Wedlock)

It was down in the forest of Sherwood, in the year 1210,
Lived a pusher by the name of Robin Head and his band of very merry men.
They lived on nuts and berri-ee's and occasional spotted deer,
Doing their macrobiotic thing and dispensing oodles of cheer.

The sound of merry laughter echoed through the forest green.
There was old Friar Tuck, with whom nothing rhymed, and Marion the acid queen.
Said Little John, “Let’s have some mead.” Said Robin, “Oh, what’s the point?
I'm tired of doing this venison thing. Let’s go and roll a joint.”

Just then there burst upon the scene a band of the sheriffs men,
Who said, “Hello, hello, hello, and what’s all this here then?
You’ll have to come along with us to the palace of the king.”
Said Robin, “Oh, man, don't be so uptight. I'm only doing my thing.”

So Robin bid them a sad farewell and to Marion gave a kiss,
And went with certain substances for further analysis.
And the news it spread both far and near and the townsfolk came to see,
For the man who always gave good deals was of great popularity.

Now Robin was dragged before the throne of Nottingham's terrible king,
Who said, “For years I've been after you, so now you'll bloody well swing.
But first before I sentence you for the evil what you've done,
Tell me what’s this weed you grow in the woods? I think I will try some.”

So the minutes passed in silence and the air grew somewhat thick
And the sheriff said, “Ooh! The colours, man!” and was promptly and horribly sick.
And now our story has to end as happily as it begun. Robin deals to the countryside the sheriff does Nottingham.

:: I hope you can make sense out of all this.
You can email me
Line Breaks <br> added.
-Joe Offer-