The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68272   Message #1151670
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
01-Apr-04 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: 500+ dead, Bush makes jokes
Subject: RE: BS: 500+ dead, Bush makes jokes
here is an exchange relating to clinton's "war on terror" activities from clarke's interview on tonight's MSNBC Hardball. it would seem that his activities were sincere according to clarke's read on it...

"MR. MATTHEWS:  Do you believe that Bill Clinton did his job as commander in chief with regard to the eight years you served under him in terms of preparing this terrorist attack?

MR. CLARKE:  Yeah, I do.

MR. MATTHEWS:  He did his job?  No complaints?

MR. CLARKE:  Oh, I have complaints.  I have a lot of complaints.

MR. MATTHEWS:  Let's hear them.

MR. CLARKE:  You want to begin with what he did do?

MR. MATTHEWS:  How about what he didn't do?  Let's get some balance here.

MR. CLARKE:  He did not, despite the fact that it seemed pretty obvious to me, order the bombing of the camps in Afghanistan, except once.  Now, when he did it the once, there was a huge uproar of Wag the Dog, and—

MR. MATTHEWS:  Sure.  Because he was involved with the whole Monica mess at that point in time.

MR. CLARKE:  And, and, and because of that, I think he may have been reluctant to do what he did.  But he said he would do it again if we got good intelligence about—

MR. MATTHEWS:  What about the Predator pictures we had of bin Laden down there in those camps and—we've got movies of them, in fact, at NBC—and they show a guy that looked very much like bin Laden and we had him in the targets, almost like in a movie, and didn't hit him.  What do you make of the president's culpability there?  Clinton's?

MR. CLARKE:  Well, the president's culpability is zero.  The CIA's culpability is huge.  The CIA required as a condition of doing that deployment in October 2000 that there be no weapon—no hit plan associated with it, because they wanted it to be an experiment and they didn't want to have to make decisions about command and control.  We could have had submarines off the coast waiting for the Predator video.  But CIA insisted that this just be an experiment to see if the Predator could find him."