The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68417   Message #1152089
Posted By: GUEST
01-Apr-04 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Great-Aunt Tillie Of All BS Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Great-Aunt Tillie Of All BS Threads
Tillie din't really care that her mother wasn't like other mothers. Still, sometimes, as she cleaned the faery litterbox under the elder bush in the back garden she would pause, rake in hand, and stare off acroos the crick, wondering what it might be like to have a "normal" mother. Someone who didn't dust the dining room in an evening gown and high heeled shoes. Someone whose slightest movement wasn't accompianied by unseen musicians. Someone who might even consider going on a picnic without bringing the sterling flatware and the Baccarat crystal.