The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68420   Message #1152885
Posted By: GUEST,02 Apr 04 - 08:45 AM
02-Apr-04 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan for Victoria's Secret
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan for Victoria's Secret
I'm in complete agreement with Peter's 02 Apr 04 - 12:24 PM post.

Actually, the "pedophile perv" remark of my daughter's was simply a female teen using the language of her peers to describe what females in my generation would have described as "the dirty old man".

Same thing. I agree with her assessment pretty much. I saw the commercial, and was revulsed in the same way she was. We both saw the commercial while watching tv together, and neither of us had any knowledge of it prior to seeing it. We weren't reacting to Dylan per se, but to the image of an old man leering at a young female "angel". Today's female teens don't make many distinctions between older male/young female pornography and pedophilia.

Older men may not like the fact that today's female teens view the world that way, but that is the way most of them see it.

Here is an excerpt from an article in yesterday's Minneapolis Star Tribune, which reflects the girls' realities (I quote from it and provide the link, because the Star Tribune links only last about 48-72 hours):

"Last update: March 31, 2004 at 11:24 PM
Workplace often ugly for young women
H.J. Cummins, Star Tribune
April 1, 2004HARASS0401
At 16, Erin Ceynar worked the counter at a fast food restaurant in a small Minnesota town. Some of the guys at this, her first job, enjoyed sharing the details of their girlfriends' sexual favors. Her boss drank his coffee from a mug shaped like a woman's breast.

"I felt creeped out, violated in a way I couldn't even have described at the time," said Ceynar, now 30 and a manager at the Women's Foundation of Minnesota. "But I didn't say anything. I was thinking of sexual harassment like rape scenes in movies, where people were hiding in the bushes. I knew these people. I even liked them. So, how could I think something was wrong about them?"

It was an ugly introduction to life as a working woman, but it's the one that greets one in three young Minnesota women in their earliest jobs, according to a new study out of the University of Minnesota. Experts call it a rare look at sexual harassment of young workers -- amid research that so far has concentrated on adults at work or young people in school."

My daughter said the Dylan Victoria's Secret commercial "creeped her out in a Dru Sjodin sort of way".

Who is Dru Sjodin? Go here:

Dru Sjodin story of coed abducted leaving her Victoria's Secret job