The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68325   Message #1153059
Posted By: Carly
02-Apr-04 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Bob Copper (1915-2004)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bob Copper
What sad news!

Bob Copper's songs and writings had a profound effect on my life, many years before I met him in person. I was fortunate enough to eventually have been able to spend time with him (and later with other members of his family, as well,) through the Folk Alliance, Pinewoods Camp Folk Music Week (CDSS) and during concert tours.
I treasure those experiences.

In fact, one of the high points of my musical life came while sitting in the audience of the Copper's first concert of their first tour of the U.S. (That is, with John and Jill and Jon - Bob and Ron had been here decades before.) They began their first song, everyone in the room sang back, and they fell off their chairs in amazement and delight. After the second or third song it became clear to them that we knew and appreciated their repertoire and were thrilled to have them there. I don't think that they understood until that moment how Bob's work in preserving both music and culture had had a huge impact on our side of the pond. By then, many of us were reduced to tears and laughter at their obvious excitement; the rest of that concert was an incredible celebration of the power and joy of singing.

Thank you, Bob Copper, for sharing your passions with us, and for the many gifts you have left us. Thank you for your kindness, and your humor, and your great charm.

My deepest sympathies to John and Jill and Jon, and the rest of the family. I hope that it is a comfort to you to know how many people hold Bob in their hearts.

Carly Gewirz