The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68384   Message #1153203
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
02-Apr-04 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Finally - talk radio balance
Subject: RE: BS: Finally - talk radio balance
Not knowing which outlet you are hearing the programming on I will tell you that here in the NY area there is a legal problem that is coming to the fore.

Admittedly I have not heard the programming, but that has nothing to do with this.

In the NY area Air America has purchased the air time (they do not own the station---or others, I assume) from WLIB. WLIB is the local Black programming outlet in the area. It is privately owned, so I assume the can do what they will. However, the local Black community is mounting a legal action against them for the programming changes.

Their feeling is that they are losing the only radio voice they have in this area.   

Can they win legally---I don't know.   

This is an important market for this new programming and perhaps the wiser course would have been to find another station---though who would sell the air time for a reasonable price is surely beyond my ken. Purchasing a station would have been the best route.

However---I wish them good fortune and much success.

Bill Hahn