The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68466   Message #1153431
Posted By: Richard Bridge
03-Apr-04 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Rules
Subject: RE: BS: The Rules
I really don't understand the sports thing.

But there is another rule.

1.   Learn to tell the time. If we need to be somewhere at a given time, so we need to leave at a given earlier time, you need to start getting ready before that. Enough time before that so that we can leave on time.

Oh, yes, and

1.   Men do one thing at a time. If we are going out to play music, and if you want me to tune all the instruments, we need to be there in enough time for me to tune them, and expecting me to go to the bar and get you a drink, or wanting me to talk to you while I am doing that only delays the process. And if you tune your guitar and I say it is not in tune, I may be right, or I may be wrong, but I mean your guitar is not in tune, not that you are useless at tuning guitars.

Oh, yes and

1. You want something done. Say so, and I can understand that. It may be something I can't do. If I can, I will probably do it. Sometime. But don't wait until there is not enough time to do it (including fixing any problems) before some important other thing, and demand that it is done THEN. I would like to finish the job.