The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68466   Message #1153608
Posted By: GUEST
03-Apr-04 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Rules
Subject: RE: BS: The Rules
I'm with kendall here. The men I know are generally very thoughtful, helpful, and tremendously supportive. I feel really sorry for women who put up with the bores.

And this statement (by a woman above):

"The idea of *choosing* to spend any length of time with a group of women exclusively is totally abhorrent to me."

looks like a woman with tremendous insecurities, who appears to be unduly prejudiced against half of humanity.

What ever happened to balance, friends, and companionship lady? Only men can provide that for you? Sounds like you are one of those women who prefers spending time with men, so she won't have to compete with REAL women for attention.