The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68493 Message #1153943
Posted By: Kaleea
04-Apr-04 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who do you mildly want punch in the face
Subject: RE: BS: Who do you mildly want punch in the face
Golly gee, I'd hate to ruin a perfectly good manicure by punching the lights out of some son-of-a-bush, his pappy, & his bubba brother, & perhaps the vice pres in charge of paper clips & undisclosed locations, & perhaps a few more critters who speak from both sides of their mouth with dubbya--uh--oops, I mean, double---for-ked tongues! But, of course, I'm not at all a violent type of person. So I'll just cheer on the rest of you 'till certain personages who commit massive-lies-of-mass-destruction present their mugs to me for punching.