The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68473   Message #1153987
Posted By: Kaleea
04-Apr-04 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
Golly gee, ya'd think the gvm't has told untruths to us er sumpin' 'bout them thar newk-yew-ler power places. Why, they wouldn't tell untruths to we the people, would they?
    A person I knew very well went to 3 mi island yrs back, & as a poor, broke-all-the-time college student he had better equipment to more accurately measure the level of radioactivity in the atmosphere & surrounding area (nearby waterways included) than did the neuclear regulatory commision personnel who were there to assess the situation. You cannot imagine the vast amount of mis-information, much less the level of cover-ups in the info re nuclear power facilities.