The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68466   Message #1153997
Posted By: freda underhill
04-Apr-04 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Rules
Subject: RE: BS: The Rules
sorry jeanie, i wasnt getting stuck in. but i was talking about this (not your post)but the male/female friendship thing, with another catter recently, who asked me about my friendships & pointed out that they were all female.

and i know some women are mens women, and its not necessarily for any complicated philosophical reasons other than they just are. sometimes its what youre used to, comfortable with, what gender your siblings were, who you happen to bond with, whatever. My oldest daughter, a very capable and strong minded woman, has a lot of good male friends, a few female friends.

back to these all important Rules.

the Rules Ive observed that men ive gone out with recently seem to follow include:

1. Talk continuously, allowing the lady opposite the opportunity to say, "yes" occasionally. Get very patronisingg if she attempts to say anything.

2. when you ask her what she does for a living, then proceed to tell her all about how to do the job, give a few tips, even tho you know absolutely nothing about the field.
